I was hired to write a book about pandemics. Then one happened.

I started my career as a Children’s Book Editor, moved away from publishing, but then moved back with my book about pandemics called “Plagues, Pandemics, and Viruses: From the Plague of Athens to COVID-19” through Visible Ink Press. Click below to order and find out how the lemon saved Paris from plague.

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Articles I’ve Written

My Dad and the Tree

“Over the years I would visit Dad at the cemetery, guided by the apple tree. People talk to their loved ones at their gravesites, and yet I was mute. I missed him terribly, but I had a hard time letting go — of the fact that he died. And that he hadn’t made sure I was taken care of after he was gone. Perhaps he was ok with that?”

Me and Iran

“His name is Iran Barkley, a middleweight who achieved a measure of fame in the ‘80s — no Mike Tyson, but big enough that a pre-teen girl from the Jersey suburbs knew of him. Now he’s being miked while training for a comeback. At 50.”

Pregnant with Satan’s Spawn or Just Hormonal?

Rosemary’s Baby ushered in a brief subgenre of horror books and films, primarily in the 1970s, that can be classified as, ‘Is she being terrorized, or is she just PMS’ing/pregnant/a woman?’ (See Don’t Be Afraid of the Dark, The Changeling, Don’t Look Now, Let’s Scare Jessica to Death, or any film with a line that goes something like: ‘Oh, honey, can’t you see there’s nothing there?’)”